Leon Jean-Marie is going to be huge + Club YO YO

This guy is so top secret I can't even get an mp3 or share his video. SO . . . here below is a link to his myspace page to stream his 2 songs. Expect big things. Listen to the song "Scratch" and check out the video when it is available. I smell a huge summertime hit. Perhaps this years 'crazy'?
He did a mini UK tour with my favorite superstar MIKA. Plus he is set to play Club YO YO on March 22nd. YO YO is the coolest club in the UK - it's where LILY ALLEN played her first gigs, Mark Ronson & Aaron Lacrate are always stopping by to DJ, you get the idea. JG and I got to check out Kate Nash play @ Club YO YO when we went to London in December.
Those guys at YO YO sure know how to do it right. Seb Chew you are the man.
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