Photobucket Hell Ya!: How did I get in here?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

How did I get in here?

Last night I ended up at a bar where I sat opposite to Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan. Had I known this before venturing to meet my friend - I might have gone home and changed my shoes SINCE I WAS WEARING FLIP FLOPS!!! (I had them on since I got a mani pedi earlier in the day)

Why didn't my friend tell me we were going to an exclusive bar - I thought we were just grabbing a quick drink at a dive bar. Turns out - NOPE! In walks Russell Simmons and that hot guy from the HBO show Carnivale.

I was on my sidekick the whole time - texting my friends like it was the first time I saw a celeb. I felt like I was in a Live version of US WEEKLY! But not in Christian Louboutin heels - I was in FLIP FLOPS! HAHAHA! Good times!

Fyi: the bar I was at was called HYDE. It rules. If I was famous, I would go there every night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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