if you know what's up, join me tonight and every other monday this month . . .

THE GIANTS go on at 11pm every monday, so you better show up before that to get in!
(I WILL BE THERE from open till close as i'm djing between bands)
SO . . . . come join me, sit with me, stalk with me, sing & dance with me please, as this might be the last shot till they are playing stadiums. it might happen sooner than you think, you never know!
(example: around this time last year - - - i was trying to sign/help put together/and book the band METRO STATION. where are they now? lets see . . . . oh yeah top 5 on TRL, top 6 or 7 song, ringtone, & album! WTF!?!? oh and p.s. this is their 1st single. hahahaha. but enough about them . . . )
everyone . . . if you haven't been hip to![]()
AARON BRUNO & his band UNDERTHEINFLUENCEOFGIANTS yet, consider yourself stoked! You will get to jump in on the best shit they have written thus far . . . this guy is so good he turns down offers left and right from HUGE artists like James Blunt!
ohhh emmmm geee i've already said to much. if you don't know, now you know. nuff said. see you there. come say hi to me in the deejay booth! and during the giants set - - i'll be the embarrasing one in the front row - - singing all the words - - dancing like a dork, and just overall giddy as a schoolgirl. yeah i work at a major record label - - but i'm still first and foremost a music FAN. i'll never stop being one.

THE GIANTS go on at 11pm every monday, so you better show up before that to get in!
(I WILL BE THERE from open till close as i'm djing between bands)
SO . . . . come join me, sit with me, stalk with me, sing & dance with me please, as this might be the last shot till they are playing stadiums. it might happen sooner than you think, you never know!
(example: around this time last year - - - i was trying to sign/help put together/and book the band METRO STATION. where are they now? lets see . . . . oh yeah top 5 on TRL, top 6 or 7 song, ringtone, & album! WTF!?!? oh and p.s. this is their 1st single. hahahaha. but enough about them . . . )
everyone . . . if you haven't been hip to
AARON BRUNO & his band UNDERTHEINFLUENCEOFGIANTS yet, consider yourself stoked! You will get to jump in on the best shit they have written thus far . . . this guy is so good he turns down offers left and right from HUGE artists like James Blunt!
ohhh emmmm geee i've already said to much. if you don't know, now you know. nuff said. see you there. come say hi to me in the deejay booth! and during the giants set - - i'll be the embarrasing one in the front row - - singing all the words - - dancing like a dork, and just overall giddy as a schoolgirl. yeah i work at a major record label - - but i'm still first and foremost a music FAN. i'll never stop being one.

Labels: djing, Metro Station, under the influence of giants
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