sunday and monday - - best days ever? first MTV Movie Awards - - - then COLDPLAY! HELLYA.
so yeah every once and a while you have a revelation - - or at least i do - - and i just ponder on how freakin AWESOME my life is sometimes!
does that ever happen to you? well i am constantly thanking my lucky stars at where i am today, but i didn't get here on just luck. i know some of you out there must just hate me - - - as it seems i'm always bragging about something awesome that i'm up to, or going to, or about to do - - yadada
anywhoo - - this is one of those posts! so if you hate when i starting bragging - - just skip this post altogether. haha
here's a bunch of reasons why this past SUNDAY and MONDAY kicked major ass:
1) MY BAND I got signed to Capitol Records DUKES OF DAVILLE was featured in the MTV MOVIE AWARDS.
**BIGGGGG ASSS THANK YOU TO BEN @ MTV - he was the one responsible for pitching dukes to his producer bosses, so he RULES. He has excellent taste in music, and p.s. he's really really hot too! bonus!)
2) I ended up getting TICKETS to the MTV MOVIE AWARDS at the last minute!
**BIGGGGG ASSS HUGE THANK YOU TO MITCHELL FRANK (mayor of silverlake / ala he basically started all things spaceland/echo/malo/etc.....)
here were some highlights of the MTV MOVIE AWARDS - - which were surprisingly very good - - funny - - and it was sooooo exciting to see the band I signed being played when Zac Efron won for 'Breakthrough Performance' for his role in HAIRSPRAY:
DUKES OF DAVILLE played during MTV MOVIE AWARDS! (via youtube)
here's my other favorite moment of the show - - this was genius - - Wayne & Garth re-unite for WAYNE'S WORLD! YAYYYYYY
WAYNES WORLD clip from Movie Awards (first appearance in 14 yrs!!!) (via youtube)
Watch the whole show via MTV ON-DEMAND HERE
and after all that - - how could it get any better?
3) Mostly everyone that knows me and reads this blog should know I work for Capitol Records - - one of the main reasons I work there is because of the band COLDPLAY. Coldplay, Radiohead, & of course THE BEATLES. So - - - it was a great surprise to be invited to attend the COLDPLAY show @ JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE.
this was very exciting as I actually attended COLDPLAY @ JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE the first time around which was JIMMY KIMMEL's FIRST SHOW! (this was when I worked @ KROQ, and my former boss - who taught me everything i know - AMY STEVENS was the one that booked Coldplay - - like in 1 day or something! It was bananas. Superbowl sunday, they closed off the streets - - just jam packed full of action.
This time around - - it felt more intimate - - maybe since I was about 2 feet away from the band! hahahaha
I took this photo with my IPHONE:

MY IPHONE TOOK THIS PHOTO! Chris Martin - - right in front of me!
yep. be jealous. my life rules this week. but i do in fact work hard for the money. i go big - or i don't go at all.
hard work does pay off - and no matter what - i still turn into a superduper dorky fan when i see bands like COLDPLAY/RADIOHEAD up close in person. This was very special, and I think you MAGGIE SIKKENS for giving me your ticket - - I have great friends (just in this post - i'm thanking BEN @ MTV, MITCHELL @ SPACELAND, MAGGIE @ CAPITOL, damn - - i got HOOKED UP this week!
Hell Ya!
and despite what anyone says - - i can't wait to hear the new coldplay record - - it doesn't matter if they don't have huge radio 'singles' = = if coldplay pooped in a bag - - i would probably buy it. haha.
does that ever happen to you? well i am constantly thanking my lucky stars at where i am today, but i didn't get here on just luck. i know some of you out there must just hate me - - - as it seems i'm always bragging about something awesome that i'm up to, or going to, or about to do - - yadada
anywhoo - - this is one of those posts! so if you hate when i starting bragging - - just skip this post altogether. haha
here's a bunch of reasons why this past SUNDAY and MONDAY kicked major ass:
1) MY BAND I got signed to Capitol Records DUKES OF DAVILLE was featured in the MTV MOVIE AWARDS.
**BIGGGGG ASSS THANK YOU TO BEN @ MTV - he was the one responsible for pitching dukes to his producer bosses, so he RULES. He has excellent taste in music, and p.s. he's really really hot too! bonus!)
2) I ended up getting TICKETS to the MTV MOVIE AWARDS at the last minute!
**BIGGGGG ASSS HUGE THANK YOU TO MITCHELL FRANK (mayor of silverlake / ala he basically started all things spaceland/echo/malo/etc.....)
here were some highlights of the MTV MOVIE AWARDS - - which were surprisingly very good - - funny - - and it was sooooo exciting to see the band I signed being played when Zac Efron won for 'Breakthrough Performance' for his role in HAIRSPRAY:
DUKES OF DAVILLE played during MTV MOVIE AWARDS! (via youtube)
here's my other favorite moment of the show - - this was genius - - Wayne & Garth re-unite for WAYNE'S WORLD! YAYYYYYY
WAYNES WORLD clip from Movie Awards (first appearance in 14 yrs!!!) (via youtube)
Watch the whole show via MTV ON-DEMAND HERE
and after all that - - how could it get any better?
3) Mostly everyone that knows me and reads this blog should know I work for Capitol Records - - one of the main reasons I work there is because of the band COLDPLAY. Coldplay, Radiohead, & of course THE BEATLES. So - - - it was a great surprise to be invited to attend the COLDPLAY show @ JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE.
this was very exciting as I actually attended COLDPLAY @ JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE the first time around which was JIMMY KIMMEL's FIRST SHOW! (this was when I worked @ KROQ, and my former boss - who taught me everything i know - AMY STEVENS was the one that booked Coldplay - - like in 1 day or something! It was bananas. Superbowl sunday, they closed off the streets - - just jam packed full of action.
This time around - - it felt more intimate - - maybe since I was about 2 feet away from the band! hahahaha
I took this photo with my IPHONE:

MY IPHONE TOOK THIS PHOTO! Chris Martin - - right in front of me!
yep. be jealous. my life rules this week. but i do in fact work hard for the money. i go big - or i don't go at all.
hard work does pay off - and no matter what - i still turn into a superduper dorky fan when i see bands like COLDPLAY/RADIOHEAD up close in person. This was very special, and I think you MAGGIE SIKKENS for giving me your ticket - - I have great friends (just in this post - i'm thanking BEN @ MTV, MITCHELL @ SPACELAND, MAGGIE @ CAPITOL, damn - - i got HOOKED UP this week!
Hell Ya!
and despite what anyone says - - i can't wait to hear the new coldplay record - - it doesn't matter if they don't have huge radio 'singles' = = if coldplay pooped in a bag - - i would probably buy it. haha.
Labels: Ben Mtv, Coldplay, Dukes Of Daville, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Maggie Capitol, Mitchell Spaceland, MTV Movie Awards, Zac Efron
OMG! Thanks for bloggging about this.
Ever since the MTV Movie Awards, I've been scouring google to try to figure out who that song was by. So it is great to know what this song is and who made it.
And I know I'm not the only trying to figure this out so I'll try spread the word to my internet buddies.
it's comments like this that make my whole day. month. year.
thanks ehs-wildcats! glad you enjoyed my bragging rant - and i'm ESPECIALLY glad you love the song - - and thank you for spreading the word on DUKES OF DAVILLE!
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