Photobucket Hell Ya!: my favorite SNL Digital Short is . . .

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

my favorite SNL Digital Short is . . .

Have you seen this? It's so wrong it's right. The more you watch it - the funnier it gets. I can't get enough . . .

'Dear Sister' SNL Digital Short (original version)

I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants watching this . . . I just bought the best of SNL (06-07) DVD from Starbucks (so I may be a bit late on this topic)! If you haven't watched the OC - back before it started sucking - you will remember the famous scene using Imogen Heap 'Hide And Seek'. If you want to re-visit CLICK HERE

South Park 'Dear Sister' Parody

'Dear Skywalker' (ANOTHER parody of SNL Digital Short 'Dear Sister')

I could go on forever with these parody's of the SNL Parody but I digress, here are some other reasons why Andy Samberg is hot, I mean Funny . . .

People Getting Punched Just Before Eating (SNL Digital Short)

Andy Popping Into Frame (SNL Digital Short)

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