longest week ever . . . is it friday yet? I'm DJING this BMI thingy - come by!

BMI asked me to DJ tonight - WOOHOO. My name is on the flyer and everything! but now i look pretty lame for a DJ name compared to DJ MAGENIUS! Way to make me look bad JOE!!!
haha jk.
after this I'm heading over to the Capitol / EMI party and such . . . thennnnnn i'm sleeping.
it feels like i haven't slept since the first hell ya night last week.
but all 3 hell ya nights were ridiculously amazing - and STAR STUDDED - last night Mila Kunis and Macauley Caulkin were there - - - - WTF! (i wanted to ask her for SETH MACFARLANE's NUMBER!!!!! I LOVE HIM!) and for the Man Like Me Hell Ya! night apparently SPANKROCK was there - WTF X 2!! and for the Hotel Cafe Hell Ya! I ran into THE VINES, JET, Imarobot, etc . .. basically it was rockstar usa.
i should be in perez hilton.com or some shit. or at least have my own reality show. come on peeps. hookitup! :)
Labels: bmi, djing, Hell Ya at Hotel Cafe, HELL YA Night, Perez Hilton
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