LeSac VS Pip
Warm greetings from the Hell Ya! art department!
Yester-eve Miss HELL YA! Heather and I got to work on the flyer for the LE SAC VS PIP show at the Roxy whilst watching some Arrested Development and 30 Rock. Being that neither of us were joining the crowds of sweaty people in Austin this week, we decided that it would be a good time to relax- yet we somehow ended up working... I don't think Heather nor I know how to "not work"...
I am actually really excited about this show... I have been listening to LeSac VS Pip on their myspace and I am sad that I will be missing this show... But I know you will all have a blast. Make sure to hit up your local ticketmaster for some tickets before they sell out!
I am sure Heather will have more to say about this later....
Anyway, I just thought I would take this opportunity to say "Hey", introduce myself (since I now have access to post on here) and post the flyer...

xoxo Emily
Yester-eve Miss HELL YA! Heather and I got to work on the flyer for the LE SAC VS PIP show at the Roxy whilst watching some Arrested Development and 30 Rock. Being that neither of us were joining the crowds of sweaty people in Austin this week, we decided that it would be a good time to relax- yet we somehow ended up working... I don't think Heather nor I know how to "not work"...
I am actually really excited about this show... I have been listening to LeSac VS Pip on their myspace and I am sad that I will be missing this show... But I know you will all have a blast. Make sure to hit up your local ticketmaster for some tickets before they sell out!
I am sure Heather will have more to say about this later....
Anyway, I just thought I would take this opportunity to say "Hey", introduce myself (since I now have access to post on here) and post the flyer...

xoxo Emily
Labels: Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip, HELL YA Night, The Roxy
YAYYYYY emily's first hellya blog post! woooohooo!
so excited to have more content on this blog!
emily you rule, thank you again for your skills in photoshop. and thank you for arrested developement season 2. i'm almost finished.
hows 30 rock going for you?
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