and . . . I'm back! (finally!)

I have a number of valid excuses I could tell you about why I have been MIA recently . . . here are a few:
1) i've been taking a mini-break, including heading home to PIttsburgh PA for the holidays (where I basically ate a shit-ton of meat and potatoes, slept, ate again, then took a nap from the food coma, and so on . . . . )
2) more sleeping and eating here in la

3) bumming out over my recent breakup with the boyfriend . . . boo. (note to self - don't fall in love with a musician that will eventually become successful and tour 90% of the year! DUH! should have seen that one coming . . . )
exibit A:
Well, I guess I could also say I told you so . . .
while I prepare for a possible interview to keep my job (haha gotta love major label layoff season!) here are a few sweet videos from bands I'm still stuck on:
(which means check them out now and tell your friends before it's old news!)
the obvious:
Kate Nash 'Foundations' (see her this monday at the Troub before she blows up!)
(and if this is a first hearing about kate nash, shame on your for not listening to my podcast! it's the #1st track on Hell Ya! Podcast Volume 2.0! you can still listen by clicking HERE
the throwback:
Glasvegas 'Daddy's Gone'
the poet + mixmaster:
Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip 'Beat That My Heart Skipped'
more blogging to come - stay tuned for a Hell Ya! update / announcement! wooohooo!
Labels: Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip, Glasvegas, Kate Nash, major labels, Metro Station
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