my favorite band and album of 2008 so far is . . .

take a look at your new favorite band!
THE MAE-SHI are a local LA band I've been aware of for the past 4 or 5 years, first time hearing about them from the now-defunct band called THE MEAN REDS. (remember those kids?! so cute, so young, but so loud and craaaaazypants! Anyways, back to the story . . . The Mae-Shi I was always aware of, I was just too stubborn and shallow minded to revisit their sound in the past 5 years. I didn't think I would like the Mae-Shi . . . but turns out!
BOY WAS I WRONG! As of right now, The Mae-Shi have my vote for my favorite album of 2008 so far!

(***and NO, it isn't because of the album title 'HLLL YH', nor is it because my middle name is MAE, nor is it because they are headlining the next Hell Ya! Night this month, February 28th @ the ECHO! BE THERE!!!)
Luckily I had a few 'signs' that pointed me in the right direction. My close friend JERRY, whom music taste I value more than any other, had me drive him home so he could grab his copy of "HLLL YH' and play me his favorite tracks. He was so passionate about this band that he wanted to see my reaction - listening to the MAE-SHI for the first time. Now that is EXACTLY the type of thing I would do! I live for these types of moments, where you get-off on seeing somebody else discover your favorite band for the first time. It's the sole reason I have this blog, book my Hell Ya! club nights, record my podcasts, compile, burn and pass out my hell ya! mixes etc... and on and on....
so yeah just watch the Mae-Shi video below (which they made themselves!!), buy the new album, and come see them as they headline this month's Hell Ya! @ the Echo, Thursday, February 28th! HELLL YA!!!!!
*****WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!!*****
and if you want more, check this one too!
for a few laughs check their webpage:
haha. everytime I look at the album cover - I can't help but laugh, as it looks so similar to my Hell Ya! logo. Between that and the correct spelling of MAE with an E - just as my middle name is spelled (Heather Mae Peggs)
It's like they are speaking DIRECTLY TO ME. HAHA. HEY MAE-SHI - - I'm listening ;)
Welcome to the future indeed.
Labels: Echo, HELL YA Night, HLLL YH, Jerry, Moshi Moshi, THE MAE SHI
the mae-shi are fucking amazing. what time do they play thursday?
Well said.
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