my first MUXTAPE + the best cover i've heard in years!
How can you not love Miley Cyrus???
I'll be honest. i Love Miley Cyrus! So cute, and so talented. She's is taking over! well i guess the whole Cyrus family is! they deserve it, as they are the nicest family i've met in the business. One time I gave Billy Ray Cyrus one of my Hell Ya! mixes when I met him a while back @ one of the first Metro Station shows - - and the next time we spoke - he told me which songs he liked best!!! WTF!?!?! BIlly Ray you rock!! That shit never happens!
SO thanks to Jax here is your new favorite Cover song. She posted it today on her ROCKINSIDER blog about THE MAE-SHI covering MILEY CYRUS 'See You Again' It's soooooooo good. Damn the mae-shi are so genius. I can't stop listening to this.
and now i'm on my way to the studio to meet up with Metro Station so excited to see them! here's a pic of me & trace cyrus from their video shoot for 'Shake It'
they have turned into huge stars since the last time i saw them . . . it seems like only yesterday, that BECK opened up for them @ HELL YA (yes) Night . . . remember that? hahahaha. Craaaaaaazy.
hope you enjoy my mix! tell me what songs you like best - - and which songs you hate. i love all opinions. be honest. HELL to the YA! xo heatherpeggs
holy crap i've been a bad blogger . . . but i have a hell of an update!
ok wow - i haven't blogged since the 80's or something - - or so it feels like! sorry for the lack of communication and updates. although, if you are on my facebook friend's list - - you have probably seen my rediculous updates (such as going to parties w/ Ryan Seacrest, meeting JC from Nsync at my club night, running into Bret from Flight Of The Conchords again @ the secret BECK show, going to the KATY PERRY carnival @ capitol records for her release party, recording w/ Jeffree Star & Danger Radio, seeing COLDPLAY do a long practice and set @ Jimmy Kimmel Live, you get the picture . . . )
i've been having a blast and soooooo busy lately. it seems too smooth actually - - i'm waiting for some shit to hit the fan. i'm not used to everything going my way without a huge fight. haha. if you worked 6 yrs @ KROQ, and 4 yrs @ Capitol Records to date you would probably feel the same. it's been a constant struggle to get people to really pay attention, and now, i believe everyone is really listening. If not now, maybe soon enough you can be just watching . . . stay tuned! ;)
SO work is going really well - - i most recently came across this cute video of DUKES OF DAVILLE - check it out - - Matt Mahaffey (my favorite producer - and the reason I found out about the Dukes) tells the same story I do, about how I played him Gnarls Barkley 'Crazy' and he responds with playing me DUKES OF DAVILLE 'Steady'! the rest is history! Watch it here:
I am so excited about this record - - Dukes Of Daville are going to be huge! It's so good, that I can't believe I'm even involved. I used to get frustrated about not being able to sign bands, being A&R for the past 4 years at a major record label - - but not anymore! it's about quality, not quantity.
Past HELL YA! bands (that i've either booked or blogged about all the time) that are now blowing the F-up include: