Photobucket Hell Ya!: 1/6/08 - 1/13/08

Saturday, January 12, 2008

impossible is the opposite of possible!!!

as the times get rough in the music biz, i watch this video for inspiration. hahaa. plus i love michael cera. i wish he was my friend.

Michael Cera 'Impossible Is The Opposite Of Possible'

oh yeah and who is more excited to see Cloverfield than me? do you know what it's about?

a good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, (feel free to mock in the comment section if you know who it is hahahaa) thought it was about a BAD ROBOT.

I almost pissed my pants and fell off my chair when she said that . . .

Incase you don't get that joke, get a clue and watch LOST and get to know JJ Abrams, as he is clearly a genius and not going anywear. JJ if you are reading, you rule.

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Rainn Wilson (DWIGHT from THE OFFICE) VS. Tyler Shields!

here's a sneak preview of what's in store for the upcoming short film by my genius friend TYLER SHIELDS:


so yeah, pretty f-ing awesome. I really didn't think Rainn Wilson could get any cooler than his performance w/ Kanye West @ the Emmy's:


So yeah - looks like I have another comedy crush! SETH MACFARLANE might just be knocked out of that top spot on my 'who'd you like to meet' section on Myspazz . . . . ;)

(*in the words of my former bosses Kevin & Bean on KROQ: 'Make Em Laugh, Make Em Breakfast!!!')

so true.

what's reallllly funny is that RAINN WILSON himself actually comments on TYLER SHIELDS website - - - here's one of my favorites:
rainn wilson Says:
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:46 pm

this photo sucks ass. i look like a gay manequin on meth. how dare you.

i’m going to set fire to you and then punch you in the front of your throat.

eat me. you’re dead.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Read more from Rainn vs. Tyler by checking his blog HERE!

and stay tuned for the short film . . . the music is going to be amaaaaaazing . . . guess who the music supervisor is????
if you think you know . . . leave a comment. first one to guess correct wins a Hell Ya! Mix!

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and . . . I'm back! (finally!)

I have a number of valid excuses I could tell you about why I have been MIA recently . . . here are a few:

1) i've been taking a mini-break, including heading home to PIttsburgh PA for the holidays (where I basically ate a shit-ton of meat and potatoes, slept, ate again, then took a nap from the food coma, and so on . . . . )
2) more sleeping and eating here in la

3) bumming out over my recent breakup with the boyfriend . . . boo. (note to self - don't fall in love with a musician that will eventually become successful and tour 90% of the year! DUH! should have seen that one coming . . . )
exibit A:

Well, I guess I could also say I told you so . . .

while I prepare for a possible interview to keep my job (haha gotta love major label layoff season!) here are a few sweet videos from bands I'm still stuck on:
(which means check them out now and tell your friends before it's old news!)

the obvious:

Kate Nash 'Foundations' (see her this monday at the Troub before she blows up!)

(and if this is a first hearing about kate nash, shame on your for not listening to my podcast! it's the #1st track on Hell Ya! Podcast Volume 2.0! you can still listen by clicking HERE

the throwback:

Glasvegas 'Daddy's Gone'

the poet + mixmaster:

Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip 'Beat That My Heart Skipped'

more blogging to come - stay tuned for a Hell Ya! update / announcement! wooohooo!

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